All Abilities Towards Independent Living 1 – FREE

Course Details

This course is designed to help you live independently in supported accommodation or within your family home. Learn about what it takes to be a good housemate, including respecting, privacy and relationships.

Gain practical skills to look after your living environment, create effective rosters, and develop communication strategies that work for everyone in your household.

You’ll also build essential life skills, including managing money, budgeting, banking safely online, and knowing where to go for help when needed. Learn to use first aid safely and connect with local activities through guest speakers.

All Abilities Towards Independent Living 2 (8 weeks) continues in Term 2, with more skills and knowledge to help you live more independently.

This course requires an interview prior to enrolment. Please call Reception on 9842 6726 to arrange an interview.


DatesDaysTimeCodeFull Price
6 Feb (8 weeks)Thursday9:30 am – 11:30 am25T1/VOC1FREE – Sponsored by the Bendigo Bank

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Our Environment

Pines Learning welcomes people with a disability and those facing barriers to participation. Please share during enrolment if there is anything which would impact on your participation so that we can put in place support.