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RTO Number 3774

Pines Learning CEO | Sally Brennan |
Corporate Services Manager | Fiona Berry |
Early Learning and Care Manager | Rupal Chandra |
Finance Officer | Terri Williams |
RTO Lead | Aarthi Prakash |
Employment & Pathways Lead | Bronwyn Clarke |
EAL Lead | Sandie Forbes |
Community Programs Lead | Libby Payne |
Reconnect Co-ordinator | Tiziana Gillon |
Reconnect Case Worker – Manningham | TBA |
Reconnect Case Worker – Murrindindi | Ange Mansson |
Information Management Officer | Silvana Cassar |
Adult Learning Support Officer | Janice Killiny |
Administration Assistant and Information Management Support | Sandra Toal |
Administration Assistant | Sandra Savoia |
Administration Assistant | Caroline Herd |
Administration Assistant | Simona Sapuppo |
Early Childhood Teacher (ECT) | Atefeh Fani Ghanderijani |
Early Childhood Teacher (ECT) | Yue (Tina) Wu |
Early Childhood Teacher (ECT) | Kyoung Mi Kang |
Early Childhood Educator (Diploma) | Vicky Liu |
Early Childhood Educator (Diploma) | Claudia Fielder |
Early Childhood Educator (Diploma) | Cheenu Chandra |
Early Childhood Educator (Diploma) | Yuewei (Emily) Zhao |
Early Childhood Educator (Cert III) | Monica Rodrigues |
Early Childhood Educator (Cert III) | Valentina Vardari |
Early Childhood Educator (ECT) (Casual) | Michelle Hughes |
Early Childhood Educator (Diploma) (Casual) | Fiona Porto |
Pines Learning is run by a voluntary Board of Management comprising of a wide range of community members.The Board of Managements responsibilities are:
Meet the team at Pines Learning who invite you to be part of our Centre and enjoy the array of courses and services we provide in a friendly, welcoming environment.