Xero Basics

Course Details

This course is designed to help you improve your employment prospects by teaching you how to create and manage accounting records using XERO online accounting software, which is widely used by small to medium-sized businesses. The course includes an overview of basic bookkeeping principles, but prior knowledge of bookkeeping is not required.
Students are introduced to basic bookkeeping principles, along with practical skills such as setting up a new company file, managing invoicing, tracking inventories, and performing reconciliations. You will also learn purchasing and selling transactions, process cheques, and generate financial reports. By the end, you will have gained the skills needed to use Xero for accounting and financial management in a business setting.

Pre-requisites: Basic computer skills and English for everyday life are needed to participate in this course. It runs on Saturdays for 10 weeks.

Please call Reception on 9842 6726 for further information or complete the enquiry form below.

ACFE Funded
This course is delivered with Victorian and Commonwealth Government funding. Click here for eligibility criteria.

Cost  (Funded Full Fee) ACFE Subsidy Fee of $27.00 plus $68.00 Amenities Fee plus, workbook $44 = Total Cost per person $139.00
Cost (Funded Concession) ACFE Subsidy Fee of $5.00 plus $68 Amenities Fee plus workbook $44 = Total Cost per person $117.00


DatesDaysTimeCodeFundedFunded Concession
26 April (10 weeks)Saturday9:30 am -12:00 pm25EMPBB1$139

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Pines Learning welcomes people with a disability and those facing barriers to participation. Please share during enrolment if there is anything which would impact on your participation so that we can put in place support.