
Enfold Theme

The Enfold Theme has been installed for to enable very easy Maintenance of the site

  • Enfold has lots of tools to be used in the website, without having to code
  • All tools available are “drag and drop”, all tool settings are “drop down” and “tick boxes”

Do NOT change the Enfold Theme on the website, as all pages will become unusable after you remove the Editing Tools

Advanced Layout Editor

When you create a new “Portfolio Item” (or “Page”, or “Post”), after you typed in the Title, ALWAYS select “Advanced Layout Editor”

You always will be using the “Avia Layout Builder” as shown below

In WordPress you can create

– Posts ( not used )

– Forms ( we use Gravity Forms, as before )

– Pages ( most pages are “landing pages” which require little or no maintenance )

– Portfolio Items ( widely used on the website )

– Products ( Under Express Checkout, to create purchase buttons )

How to: UNDO

The short answer is: there is no undo like in a normal application

A practical work around is to EXIT editing the element and EXIT the page (go to another page), WITHOUT saving the changes.


– Make changes to your website in small steps

– When change is, OK, always update the page

This way, when you “loose content”, you only loose a little bit

Avia Layout Builder

The “Avia Layout Builder” is the “maintenance core” of the website. All pages are built and maintained using this tool.

If you look at the “Avia Layout Builder” you see three “Tabs” at the top

Normally you work your way through from left to right

1.. “Layout Elements”

Think of “layout Elements” as containers; Place holders, from full page width (“1/1”) to small (“1/5”)

As a rule you

  1. drag down and drop your “container” into your page
  2. Insert, drag and drop, a content element ( text or image or other ) into the container

2.. “Content Elements”

There are many “Content” elements, but the most used are in the top left corner. Most elements are related to textual content

3.. “Media Elements”

The “Media” elements are Images and slide show related

The most used elements are “Image” and “Fullwidth Easy Slider”

How to: image category

How to: Maintain any page

1. Login as administrator

2. Using the menu navigate to the page ( or use the back-end )

3. Black menu on the top, close to the centre, click on “Edit (Page or Portfolio Entry) – (Advanced Layout Builder)”

4. This will bring you to the page editor

You see all the containers and content

Click on “Image” or “Textual Content” or “other content” to change

Important After the change

1. Click on “Save” ( blue button) at right bottom of your element

2. When done ALWAYS click on the blue “Update” button, right hand side of WordPress, to upload to the server

How to: Portfolio Category

The Theme Enfold adds “Portfolio Items” to WordPress

A Portfolio Items is like a cross between a WordPress “Page” and a WordPress “Post”

Portfolio Items can have “none”, or “one” or “multiple” Portfolio Categories

Portfolio Items can be displayed in “Portfolio Grids”, filtered by “one” or “more” Portfolio Categories

Maintain Portfolio Categories

On the Dashboard go to “Portfolio Items” / “Portfolio Categories” where you can

  • Add, Change, Delete Portfolio Categories

Portfolio Categories, show up on the right hand site of the Portfolio Item in Edit mode

You can select “None”, “One” or “Multiple” Categories

After (Un)-Selecting and Updating the Portfolio Item, they will automatically (Dis)-Appear in the various Portfolio Grids on the website


When you Delete a portfolio Category, the Portfolio Grids using that Category can no longer display the content

How to: Create a new Portfolio page

text here

  1. add new or
  2. duplicate existing Portfolio

How to: Duplicate a course

text here

  • click on duplicate
  • edit duplicate, but change permalink, and edit course further
  • change course name inside Gravity Forms “Form short-code”

How to: Explain Portfolio Grids

On the website we use Portfolio Items for

  • Courses
  • Skills Sets
  • Traineeships
  • News Items
  • Job vacancies
  • Trainers

On various pages we use “Portfolio Grids” to visually display filtered and sorted contend

Portfolio Grids used are:

  • Community Programs – courses
  • Employment Skills – courses
  • English Classes – courses
  • Qualifications – courses
  • Reconnect Program
  • Technology – courses
  • Trainers overview
  • News Items
  • Job vacancies

How to: Change Portfolio Grid columns


Do NOT change the “Content” settings of any Portfolio Grid as it will change / destroy its behaviour.

The ONLY thing to be safe is the amount of columns displayed.

When done, click the blue “Save” button and don’t forget to “Update” the page

How to: Change an image


In edit mode

  1. Prepare your image ( e.g. 700 x 500 px ) and upload it into the Media Library
  2. On the page, select container with image to change
  3. Click on image and Click again on the image to go to the Media Library
  4. Select new image from the Media library
  5. Click on the blue button at the bottom of the element to confirm your change
  6. Don’t forget to Update your Page ( = WordPress, blue button on the right hand side )

Image size

We optimized the website for maintenance.

Inside all courses and news posts we use a single image: size 750 x 500 px, format “.jpg”

The positions of the image are:

  1. Close to the top of the page, inside a container
  2. As a “Featured Image” = right hand side, down, using standard WordPress feature

How to: Maintain News items

News Items are “Portfolio Items” with the Category “News” selected and showing up on the “Home” page under “News” as well as on the page “More News”


To put a course into “News”

  • You select an existing course (being a Portfolio Item) or
  • Create a new course (being a Portfolio Item)
  • and tick the box “News” Category and update The Portfolio Item

Removing “News” is as simple as un-ticking the “News” category

How to: Pay Now Button explained

Enrolling of most Community Programs courses can be done online. Each course can have different price tags, e.g. Full Price, Concession, Funded, Non-Funded etc.

Clicking on the Pay Now button will bring you straight to the payment gateway.

Despite the Paypal logo at the start, you can pay with either PayPal, Master Card or Visa. You don’t need to have a PayPal account, you can sign in as a guest.

How to: Create a Course Price

= Go to the Dashboard, to “WP Express Checkout” / “Products”

= Add a New Product”, fill in “Title”, “Description” and “Price” in Price field and press blue button “Publish”

= Go to the Dashboard, to “Products”, your newly created “Product” will be listed on the top

= Copy the

Can't find product with ID 1234
, to Paste it in a table later

= Go to the Course PortFolio page, “Edit” and Paste the Product Code in

= The result is shown below

= If you click on the “Pay Now” button, you will see the Description and Price

How to: Add a Pay Now Button

For the same course you can e.g. have a Full Price as well as a Concession price, or other price descriptions

Each Pay Now button is specific for a course and its specific price(s)

Each Pay Now button represents “a product”, with a description and a price

Each product has its own shortcut presented like

Can't find product with ID 1234

which needs to be inserted into the price table.

= Edit the course Portfolio, and click on the “Table” to “Edit”

= When done, click on “Save” and”Update” the Portfolio

How to: Description Pay Now button

Each Pay Now button is unique for each course and course price.

Clicking the Pay Now button will show the full product description and price.

How to: Image sizes

We optimised the side for Maintenance

For each course we use a single image, which we put right at the top, as well as a “Feature Image”

Size of the image will be 750 px x 500 px

An icon list is a special click able list (of pdf’s) with an icon in front

Step 0:

Login as Administrator to be in “edit Mode”

Step 1:

Create the Policy PDF and upload the pdf into Media .library
Make sure the file name of the pdf is always unique => use a version number in the file name
e.g. “Policy 35….  _v01.pdf”  (an update of the policy would be “Policy 35…. _v02.pdf”

Step 2:

Uploaded in Media library, go to the pdf and copy the URL to clipboard
Now you have the link to the pdf

Step 3:

Go to the Page or Portfolo which contains the icon list

Step 4:

Go to the Policy page

Click on Edit The Page

Click on the Icon List to Edit

Click on the Icon List Item to Edit

Edit Name if needed

Go to the Advanced TAB, to the Link Session ( clear the link if needed ) and paste in the copied pdf link

Save icon list, save and Update Page